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January 23, 2001 Photos
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The NY LAB scheduled its regular meeting at the station. Interim Station Manager Utrice Leid did not want to allow LAB and listeners into the station on the 10th floor. 

Read report: Arrests at WBAI

paddy.jpg 2 paddy wagons and numerous police cars are nearby.

lobby1.jpg Listeners and LAB members gather in lobby.

lobby2.jpg They discuss their options.

security.jpg Upstairs, security guards are on duty outside the WBAI entrance.

uleid.jpg Utrice Leid says, "No cameras are allowed in the building." Building management in lobby had voiced no such rule.

lobby3.jpg Downstairs, the LAB is told Utrice will allow up one listener per LAB member, "because the meeting room is small."

lobby4.jpg Police seem bored.

janicekb.jpg Banned staffer, Janice K. Bryant with listeners.

lobby5.jpg LAB members choose token listeners who will be permitted into public meeting. 

lobby6.jpg Remaining listeners discuss lawsuits against PNB.

leavenow.jpg Building management informs listeners they must leave lobby.

street1.jpg Listeners exit building.

street2.jpg Listeners wait outside, discussing issues.

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